plinkity plonkity…

The purpose of this site is to disseminate my creations, my footsteps on the sands of time, in the hope that they do not sink into an unwept oblivion. Some hope.

Alan’s Band (catchier name pending) currently has a finite number of songs, and an even more finite number of fans, as can be seen from the above photograph taken from the main stage at the Jesmond Dene Festival 2020.

A modest improvement on these figures is anticipated but one intends to keep the numbers down in order to keep out the riff-raff. For a while there was only one song, but now I am proud to to announce there are nearly well over two, some of which you can listen to at no cost (for a limited period) by clicking on the titles on the right.

If you like them – tell your friend.

Here’s a chance to leave your email address and be alerted to new songs, updates of old songs and other unmissable content.

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.